One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



Are you looking for a theatre program that will prepare you for a wide variety of career options while embracing a distinctly Christian approach? Cedarville's highly regarded BA in theatre program is 设计ed for you! 在斯德维尔, 我们做戏剧的方式不同, carefully selecting plays for each season to reflect Cedarville's Christ-centered community. 从希腊的黄金时代到现代, the diverse range of theatrical genres you'll study will provide you with a wide array of opportunities to hone your skills and grow as an artist.

当你毕业时, you'll be trained as an excellent artist who glorifies God in the competitive world of theatre. You'll leave Cedarville ready to take on a number of positions in the theatre field, 包括代理, 导演, 设计ing, stage management, 戏剧作法, arts administration, 和更多的. 无论是在台上还是在幕后, you'll be equipped to use your God-given talent and passion to become an excellent, 有关, 和尊敬上帝的戏剧艺术家.

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丰富的机会 -有三个主要舞台作品, 高级戏剧项目, 课堂现场表演, 和更多的, you’ll have dozens of opportunities to get hands-on experience in all aspects of theatre.

获奖导师 — Our faculty and staff have received many local and regional honors, 他们作为专业表演者保持活跃, 设计师, 戏剧编剧, 研究人员, 学者, 和顾问.

优秀的设施 -你将在DeVries剧院学习和表演, an impressive 400-seat theatre with modern technology and staging, 还有一个运动工作室, 化妆套件, 计算机设计实验室, 现场购物, 服装商店和更衣室. Student productions utilize the Alford Auditorium facility.



我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 100%新作, 设计, and theatre graduates were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


Theatre graduates have a multitude of career possibilities:

  • 艺术管理
  • 设计与技术
  • 戏剧与文学管理
  • 事工及特殊需要
  • 绩效
  • 戏剧教育

我们的毕业生感到很兴奋, 专业的成就感工作, 教育, 和部设置,如:

  • 明尼阿波利斯的儿童
  • Steppenwolf剧院,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州
  • The 当代美国剧院公司,哥伦布市,俄亥俄州
  • 人类剧院公司,代顿,俄亥俄州
  • 威廉斯敦剧院,马萨诸塞州

Our theatre graduates have been accepted into graduate programs at schools such as:

  • 英国的E15表演学校
  • 卡内基梅隆大学
  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • 南犹他大学


主要舞台作品 -参加我们三名惊艳选手之一的试镜 本季主要舞台作品 or work on props, costume, lighting, hair/makeup, or set crew behind the scenes. 查看过往演出 在我们的生产档案页面.

高级剧院顶点项目 -作为即将毕业的大四学生, 你将有机会表演, 直接, 设计, 甚至写你自己的全长, fully produced capstone project with the help of a faculty adviser.

戏剧作法 — Help advise one of the main stage 直接ors as a dramaturg, 创建一个关于产品的教育用户指南, and facilitate a talkback for the audience following a performance.

留学项目 -通过雪松大学的海外留学项目, you can travel to places like London or Prague to study and experience theatre productions internationally.

大师班及工作坊 — Learn about specialized areas of theatre from exciting guest experts such as Rocco Dal Vera in dialects, 马修·威尔逊在喜剧《沙巴体育》中的表现, 和斯科特·斯通在专业试镜.

专业实习 -获得现实生活, resume-building experience in many different internship opportunities locally or in a major U.S. 城市. 我们的学生曾在:

  • 艾曼森剧院/马克·塔伯论坛,洛杉矶,加州
  • 佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的阿索洛剧院
  • 威廉斯敦戏剧节,马萨诸塞州威廉斯敦
  • 得克萨斯州莎士比亚节,基尔戈,得克萨斯州
  • 华特迪士尼世界,奥兰多,佛罗里达州
  • 杰里科项目,斯普林菲尔德,俄亥俄州
  • 当代美国剧院公司,哥伦布市,俄亥俄州
  • 代顿芭蕾舞团,俄亥俄州代顿
  • 斯普林菲尔德艺术博物馆,斯普林菲尔德,俄亥俄州
  • 缪斯机器,代顿,俄亥俄州
  • CultureWorks,代顿,俄亥俄州
  • 维多利亚剧院协会,代顿,俄亥俄州
  • 视觉和听觉剧院,朗克斯,宾夕法尼亚州

戏剧节实地考察 — Travel with other Cedarville theatre students to see productions in some of North America’s best theatres, 比如安大略省的斯特拉特福德音乐节, 加拿大, 还有黑衣修士剧场 在弗吉尼亚州的斯汤顿. Exciting local trips include research at Cincinnati Museum of Art and professional performances at the Cincinnati Ballet, 代顿自己的人类剧院, 以及多次百老汇巡演.


Take a look at the main stage productions scheduled for the 当前的季节. 这里有适合每个人的东西!

探索我们的 生产档案 从过去的主要舞台作品的照片画廊. You'll find thought-provoking dramas, hilarious comedies, and lively musicals.


我们很高兴提供 戏剧奖学金 给戏剧专业的新生,从1000美元到2000美元不等. Awards are based on your audition or 设计 portfolio review, 戏剧经验, 学术价值, 经济需求.


因为你的专业是戏剧, 你可以从两种浓度中选择, 性能或设计, that allow you to tailor your coursework to match your career goals, 提供个性化指导和职业指导.

Building on your general education liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take core theatre courses as well as courses in 性能或设计, 取决于你选择的浓度.


  • 音乐剧技巧
  • 戏剧中的基督徒


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年


