One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Experience Life at Cedarville to Its Fullest!

Discover the campus events and traditions that 让学生聚在一起 激发终生的记忆.

Don't miss the opportunity to come together for these meaningful moments that will define your Cedarville experience, even after your 1000 Days on campus come to an end.

Three college students in Welcome Home shirts.Students smiling outside and resting from soccer game.


欢迎周 is packed full of events that unite new and returning Cedarville students to build community and have fun together. With traditions like the Involvement Fair and first day of school donuts, 欢迎周 sets the tone for excitement and involvement throughout the rest of the school year. Experience the community of the Cedarville family!


Welcome fall to campus with Cedarville! Watch highlights from ALT 2, 2023.

ALT的夜晚 are the perfect activity after a busy week and a great time to grow existing friendships while forming new ones. Cedarville's ALT的夜晚 are free events aimed at building campus community through a wide range of engaging activities. You'll create memorable experiences and foster friendships by enjoying food trucks, 电影, 比赛, 充气玩具, 和更多的.

Whether it's Cedarville's Got Talent, the Moonlight Madness basketball game, 或者姐妹周末, each ALT Night has a special theme or main highlight. 全年, 有五个ALT夜, so you'll always have one coming up on the calendar to look forward to!


Group of students smiling in formal clothes outside.

Junior and senior class members get to enjoy JS, an evening formal event held off-campus each spring. 与跳舞, 点心, and plenty of photo opportunities, students can take a needed break from academics to celebrate their accomplishments and create memories with friends.

SoFresh is an evening of celebration tailored just for freshman and sophomore students, 与JS一致. This event gives the Cedarville underclassman community a chance to connect and make lasting memories while engaging in fun, unique activities that aren't usually available around campus.


Whether you come for the costumes, the comedy, or the concert, ELLIV (Ville spelled backward!)是Cedarville的 biggest student-run event of the year. 每年春天, the campus community gathers for this anticipated event full of talent, 笑声, 和有趣的.

Showcasing diverse talents, ELLIV fosters community and encouragement. Students get to celebrate their time and their valued role at Cedarville, cherishing their 1000 Days on campus by joining together for an unforgettable night of music and memories.



Embrace the season with 校园的圣诞节, a favorite Cedarville tradition where the campus community comes together to celebrate the wonder of Christmas and our Savior's birth. The campus is blanketed head-to-toe in decorations (there's even a giant slide in the SSC!), and there are plenty of ways for you to celebrate.

The event itself features everything from cookie decorating and heartfelt stories to karaoke and a Christmas train. Don't forget about Deck the Halls, where students go all out and compete with other 学生宿舍 to put on a walk-through experience in their hall. It promises to be an unforgettable night of 笑声 and memories.


Ring in the Christmas season with a festive, 32-foot Christmas tree! Students gather to hear the story of Jesus' birth, 享受热可可和饼干, 一起唱敬拜歌曲, and watch the tree come alive with over 15,000盏闪闪发光的灯.


Christmas at the President’s house is a long-standing Cedarville tradition. Each year, students eagerly anticipate going to Dr. White’s house for a festive Christmas party. The celebration gives students the perfect time to enjoy being in community with one another and to relax before the busyness of finals week.

外面点亮的圣诞树.Dr. White smiling with students at his house.